10 Cuckold Tips For Your Relationship: The Cuckolding Guide For Beginners
Journeying in the hotwife lifestyle and need some cuckold tips to guide your way through this crazy fetish?
Well, as someone who has been in the lifestyle for many years now (yes, I'm that old haha), I thought it would be fun to write a blog post about stuff I would tell my younger self.
Cuckolding is a very intense and definitely not vanilla lifestyle. As a result, it can be hard to talk to your friends about the problems you encounter.
That's why this site exists :)
This blog post will discuss:
- Cuckold tips to keeping your relationship fresh and kinky
- How to communicate with your partner to develop a long-term hotwife relationship
- How to build trust in your relationship
Alright, let's get started...
1. Engage In Teasing Behavior
I'm a big fan of teasing, sexting, and basically anything to make your cucky horny in your relationship.
So engage in teasing behavior on a daily basis to drive him CRAZY.
This could be simple things like:
- Sexting him naughty pictures while he's at work
- Leaving your dirty panties/socks/laundry around for him to smell
- Caressing his chastity cage whenever you walk by
- Hint at what you'll be doing to him after work
- Send him screen shots of your texts with potential bulls
The idea is to get him all riled up and horny at all times. This will make your sex life A LOT more interesting :)
2. Engage In Aftercare
One thing that some couples often ignore when it comes to cuckolding is aftercare.
Aftercare can not only be fun, but it's also an intimate experience to become closer with your partner.
Everyone does aftercare differently.
Some men require quite a bit of attention after the cuckolding experience, while other men don't really need much attention at all. Everyone is different.
Some types of aftercare include:
- Having sex and reclaiming
- Going on a simple vanilla date together (like at a cafe or restaurant)
- Cuddling in bed
- Going on a date (cooking in, movies, etc)
Discuss with your partner what kind of aftercare BOTH of you need.
Aftercare is an incredibly important part of the cuckold experience because it not only gives you a chance to re-connect, but to discuss the experience in terms of what worked and what didn't work.
If you don't do this, some things can be bottled up and explode like a volcano one day.
3. Set Boundaries In Your Relationship
Setting boundaries is really important when it comes to your hotwife relationship.
What are you and your partner comfortable doing?
Does your partner need to ask permission to have sex with someone? Or can you just fuck anyone you want?
Will you use condoms or go bareback? Do anal or not?
You get the point...
It's really important to list out all of the stuff you are willing and not willing to do when it comes to cuckolding. I literally mean writing them down on a piece of paper.
Laying it down all on the table makes it super clear what the boundaries are.
For each boundary you should also list it as a soft or hard boundary.
A hard boundary is something you will NEVER do (i.e. not use a condom, do anal, etc).
A soft boundary is something you may be willing to try, but would kind of prefer not do.
4. Always Screen Play Partners
When it comes to the lifestyle, the topic of STDs should definitely be discussed not only with your hubby/boyfriend, but also with potential play partners.
I know, it can sometimes be an uncomfortable or embarrassing topic to discuss.
BUT when it comes to your health, NOTHING is more important.
Both partners should always get tested regularly (I would say at least once a month, maybe more if you have sex with strangers a lot).
Also, ask potential play partners about their test results as well. If they don't provide the results, don't play with them.
Simple as that.
There are always more fish in the sea...
5. Discuss Why Cuckolding Turns You On
Communication is really important in any relationship.
However, when it comes to your cuckold relationship, communication becomes EVEN more important!
Let's be real, cuckolding is very intense. It can bring up intense emotions like jealously, envy, and maybe sometimes anger if someone is pushed into doing something they are not 100% comfortable with (especially when their partner is horny).
As a result, it's important to discuss everything with it comes to cuckolding.
What really turns you on? Is it the jealously? Is it hearing about how your partner had sex? Is it the humiliation?
And what doesn't turn you on? Not being included in the discussion of partners?
Discuss it all and you will have a much happier and healthier relationship.

6. Realize There Is A Difference Between Fantasy & Reality
One thing that some first time cuckolds (or hotwives) don't realize is that there's a difference between fantasy and reality.
When you watch cuckold porn, you might not see everything that goes on in the background, from finding partners, to scheduling dates, to the aftercare, to even dealing with the schedule of kids (if you have them).
There's A LOT that does on in the background. And the whole experience isn't just fucking and getting on with your life.
Is it great? Sure, no doubt about it. But sometimes fantasy can be different from reality. So just be aware of that.
7. Bring Up Cuckolding Slowly With Your Partner
Some men have a hard time figuring out how to bring up cuckolding with their partner.
For all the men out there reading this, the best piece of advice I have is to be honest with her, but don't push her to do something she's not comfortable with.
Also, bring up the idea of cuckolding slowly. Don't just spring it at her all at once and make her decide on the spot.
Finally, if you're looking for extra tips to "turn your wife to the dark side", be sure to check out the Cuckold Manual.
This book teaches you:
- A step by step guide to start the cuckold conversation with your partner
- Answer her objections to the idea of hotwifing
- Activities you can do together to ease into the fetish
- Finding reliable partners to play with
- ...and more!
8. Chastity Works Wonders
Do you need shoes to be able to run a marathon?
Not necessarily, but it certainly makes it A LOT easier.
This is my view when it comes to chastity and your cuckold relationship.
Chastity can REALLY make the cuckolding experience a lot more fun for both partners.
For the hotwife, chastity provides even more control. Imaging controlling all of your hubby's/boyfriend's orgasms while you get to fuck real studs all day while teasing him.
It takes power exchange to another level.
For the cuckold, being locked in chastity really sets the mood for cuckolding. It reinforces the idea that your small dick is not good enough for her.
And chastity will give you focus to serve her without silly distractions.
9. Manage The Jealously
As I have mentioned in the past, part of the allure of cuckolding from the man's perspective is the jealously and/or envy that comes from having your wife fuck another man.
In small dosages, jealously can be healthy and super erotic in your relationship.
However, it can also quickly spiral out of control...
Before you know it, your hubby might be texting you every 5 minutes asking where you are, who you're with, etc.
As a result, it's important to communicate with your partner, respect boundaries, and manage the jealously.
I think aftercare is a great way to manage this. Spending one-on-one time with each other and reinforcing that you love each other is great for the relationship.
10. Communicate...A LOT!
Finally, cuckolding isn't a one and done experience in your relationship.
It's something that is always changing and always evolving. It's like a garden that you need to tend to and groom regularly.
That's why communication is so important.
You need to regularly discuss what is working and what isn't working in the relationship...
Maybe one partner doesn't like a bull/lover. If that's the case, discuss what's wrong and maybe you'll drop him or maybe you'll give him another go.
The important thing is to discuss the relationship regularly and not let things boil and simmer over time.
Final Thoughts
Overall, starting a cuckold and maintaining a cuckold relationship requires a lot of work.
These are some of these things I've learned about the lifestyle throughout the years that young bucks might find helpful.
So readers, what do you think should be added to the list? Let's help the next generation of cuckold couples navigate through these exciting times :)